What categories are available in the Users tab?

The Users tab is essentially a project manager’s way of keeping a check on the day-to-day work input of the WHub writers and editors. This tab helps you in task allocation and will make things easier on a day-to-day basis. 

The tab consists of two primary categories, namely:

  • Writers
  • Editors 

Both these categories offer a bird’s eye view into the daily quantum completion of every single writer and editor. 

On the ‘Writers’ tab, you will be able to access a comprehensive list of all the current WHub writers, with information fields such as name, assigned words, allotted words, tier, and category. The assigned words column auto-updates as and when you assign a task to a particular writer. 

You can see the quality tier of a writer (high, medium, low). The tab also offers information about the type or category of articles the particular writer is comfortable with. 

On the ‘Editors’ tab, you will have a list of all the editors in the company displayed in tabular format, along with information fields like name, assigned words, allotted words, tier, and category. The rest of the functionality of this tab is exactly the same as the Writers tab.