how to become a freelancer with no experience

Wondering How to Be a Freelance Writer with No Experience? Here are 7 Tips for You 


Freelance writing is a great gig. You can work whenever and wherever you want with the right clients and skills. Plus, special training or a degree isn’t required to begin a career in freelance writing. 

That said, diving into freelance writing without experience can seem daunting. That’s why we’ve made this guide, to show you ways to get started. This blog features seven pro tips to set you up for a successful freelance writing career

7 Tips for Starting Your Freelance Writing Career 

Better work-life balance, flexible work hours, new and exciting projects, and so on! 

These are only some advantages you can enjoy as an established freelance writer. Once you enter the industry, you can choose a specific domain to build expertise in. Or, you can cater to multiple sectors. 

However, the initial steps involve proving your mettle. Here are some tips on how to be a freelance writer with no experience. 

1. Scout the Industry 

Transitioning into a new field requires dedicated research. Before you start a content writing career, analyze the available opportunities. You must also understand what is expected from writers. 

To start, make a list of established freelance writers in various content formats. Connect with them through LinkedIn and get industry-related insights from their posts. You must have seen that many of them have their resource repository. It’s in the form of blogs, videos, and other media. They discuss many aspects of content writing. 

For example, Neil Patel is well-known in content writing and marketing. He hosts a podcast and a YouTube channel where he talks about his experiences. 

Following established freelancers like him can help you understand the writing industry. This includes the average pay per gig and the differences between B2B and B2C content writing. 

2. Use a Freelance Writing Platform 

Are you wondering how to start content writing as a freelancer? Joining a freelancing platform should be on your to-do list. 

Websites like WHub, Upwork, or Fiverr have thousands of listings. The jobs on these platforms are in many domains, ranging from technology to marketing, and come from a diverse array of clients. 

Applying for relevant roles increases your chance of getting a positive response. The work opportunities give you learning experiences. They help you build a solid portfolio, which benefits you in the long run. 

Once you find freelance writing jobs, you can work on them. Then, you can share these experiences on networking platforms. Client endorsements can also help you get diverse writing roles and land clients. 

3. Secure a Role with a Writing Agency 

Growing as a content writer is easy with the right mentorship and help in the first years. But how do you get freelance writing experience that ensures this and more? 

Joining an established agency like WrittenlyHub can help you understand the content industry. Here are a few reasons why it’s a good idea: 

  • You can work with a team of editors and content experts. You can also learn about the industry. 
  • You can work on different forms of content for multiple industries. Eventually, you will realize your inclination to specialize in a specific sector. 
  • You can get consistent feedback. You can also get tips to help you improve your research and writing skills. 

You gain unmatched exposure as a new content writer. This is true if you work with an agency with a diverse client roster. With this experience. You can also choose to start your freelance writing business. 

4. Start your Blog 

Did you know that 77% of the content penned by freelance writers are blog posts? 

The rise of content marketing has pushed organisations to showcase their value. They do this through well-curated blog posts. These posts highlight their expertise in their domain. They need content writers. The writers must understand the technical details. They must know how to write a blog post that ranks high on search engines. 

Penning your blog helps you achieve credibility in the market. You can choose to write about several domains. Or, you can stick to a niche in your freelance writing career. This will assure brands of your expertise. Add interactive elements to the blogs. They will catch the reader’s attention. Focus on key elements, like meta description and relevant keyword placement. They will boost your blog’s ranking. 

Create more writing samples. This will increase your chance of impressing a potential client. 

5. Capitalise on Content Networks 

In short, a content network is a series of websites. They offer text, audio, or video content. They also enable advertisers to run ads. Content networks run many advertisements. They need a lot of written content. 

The ads that run with the content are the main source of revenue for these networks. This means they need high-quality short or long content. You can contact the brands in charge of this network. Offer your services to meet their needs. 

Content networks are tools that offer consistent opportunities for freelance writers. These are also great platforms to connect with brands. You can show your skills in catering to diverse content forms. 

6. Constantly Upskill Yourself 

You don’t need a specific degree to flourish in content writing. But, you do need a specific skill set. Most of these skills can be learned from online courses. You can also find them in other free resources on the internet. Before you start freelance writing, take these courses. They will give you a basic knowledge of the technical details. They are about making digital content. Some of the skills required to succeed as a freelance content writer include:  

  • SEO is one of the most sought-after skills for new writers. It is for people who create content. It helps brands stay assured. They can use SEO-friendly content. It will get them high organic rankings on search engines like Google. 
  • Research Skills – Freelance writers often need to do thorough research. They do this to gather info and ensure the accuracy and credibility of their writing. This may involve using online sources, interviews, or reference materials. 
  • Improving your writing skills can help you stand out as a professional. You will fully grasp the fine details of making impactful pieces. 

7. Network, Network, and Network! 

In a word, the answer is networking! 

The freelance writing industry is based on credibility and referrals. Clients are more likely to trust you if you are endorsed or recommended by your peers in the industry. Also, connecting with brands lets them see your expertise. They can check your past work to see if you are right for their needs. 

You can often ask writers in your networks for their insights. You can take notes on their experiences. Making your presence known also has long-term advantages. For example, if a writer is busy and unable to complete a task, they might refer you for the job. 

Final Thoughts 

Freelance writing is an exciting career. It offers chances to write on interesting topics or dive deep into your chosen niche. Thankfully, you can start with no writing experience. 

Now that you know how to become a content writer with no experience. The world of freelance writing requires a lot of conscious effort. The initial hustle requires you to venture beyond your comfort zone. 

However, you will enjoy several perks once you have established yourself in the profession. These range from flexible hours to rising income. Freelance writing has challenges. But if you aim to stay in charge of your hours and work style, it is perfect for you! 


1. How can I build a portfolio without experience? 

Consider writing articles or blog posts. They should be on topics that matter to your desired niche. Create a personal blog or use platforms like Medium to showcase your writing. Quality samples will help attract potential clients. 

2. How do freelance writers get paid? 

The payment structure depends on the client. Some of the most common structures include the following: 

  • A pre-decided amount per word written. 
  • An hourly rate 
  • A flat rate for the entire content piece 

Brands may also put you on a retainer to work on upcoming projects. 

3. Is it hard to get into freelance writing? 

It can be challenging to enter freelance writing without experience. You need patience to earn people’s trust or make your mark as a freelance content writer. But, after a few projects. Once you pick your target niche, you can find relevant clients and offer your services. 

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