press releases for SEO

Are Press Releases Still Good for SEO?

Author: Team WH
Published On: 11-07-23
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Historically, press releases have been crucial in generating brand awareness and creating buzz around newly launched products or services. Several marketers in the past have employed this tactic and combined it with SEO elements to achieve higher organic rankings and boost traffic.

Google for press releases for SEO

Unfortunately, this strategy took a backseat when Google announced that links present in press releases did not affect rankings. The rankings will come into play only after the press release is picked up and mentioned on a different platform, such as a news website.

This announcement was made in 2011. What has happened since then? Are press releases still impactful for SEO, or do they contribute nothing to organic rankings?

Stay with us as we explore the relevance of press releases for SEO and understand if these are worthy additions to your content marketing campaigns.

Understanding the Objective of Press Releases

Press releases involve written communication from the brand directed towards the audience. These are not limited to highlighting the launch of a new product or service and can be used for various other purposes, such as:

Objective of press releases for SEO
  • Clearing up a recent controversy regarding the brand
  • Intimate people about an event hosted by the company
  • newsworthy press release to highlight a recent achievement and push the brand into the spotlight

The frequency of press releases for SEO depends on the nature of the event. If you are wondering, ‘how often should I publish a press release for SEO,’ the answer is to be consistent and release one at least once per month. Keep your users updated and give them a peek into what is happening with the brand.

Relevancy of Press Releases for SEO

Press releases have an indirect impact on your content marketing efforts. The aim of publishing a quality press release is to attract the attention of news websites and other independent journalists who can publish this information on their pages. Once you have several press release backlinks from these pages, you can rest assured that the search algorithm will boost organic rankings and direct more traffic to your brand.

What is Google E-A-T for press releases for SEO

Plus, press releases cater to the principle of E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness). Google and several other search engines use these principles to rank a website. The higher the E-A-T, the better your rankings on SERPs.

So, if you’re wondering if a press release is good for SEO, the short answer is yes. It is a valuable communication method coming directly from the source to update the audience on the latest achievements of the brand or to clear out any misconceptions.

How to Optimise Press Releases for SEO

Before writing your press release, you must ensure that SEO optimisation is carried out. Here are some things to keep in mind on how to optimise a press release for SEO:

How to create the press releases for SEO
  • Look for relevant keywords that help your statement rank better among peers
  • Make it catchy and unique to attract media coverage
  • Ensure you avoid excess links as they don’t help with SEO optimisation
  • Advertise it using your social media handles and leverage the services of a reputable press release distribution service to publish
  • Equip it with engaging elements to ensure every media outlet and news website have something to talk about

While it is essential to engross the readers, take special care not to deviate from the point of the press release. The goal is to issue press releases that communicate your message in a crisp and concise manner without added fluff.

Final Thoughts

Cutthroat competition for high organic rankings on SERPs means you must innovate and stand apart from competitors. But don’t reinvent the wheel. Press releases for SEO have persisted as reliable methods to gain more relevancy and improve overall brand awareness among the audience.

Your press release should convey the intended message while assuring users of your expertise and trustworthiness as a brand. If executed properly, press release submissions in SEO can boost your rankings and amplify brand visibility. 

Moreover, it is a great way to advertise new products or services and create demand for them. So, why not use these tips and try publishing a press release in 2023?

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do press releases need SEO?

Yes, press releases are categorised as off-page SEO practices to boost the organic traffic to your webpage and increase brand visibility.

2. Why are press releases good for SEO?

For one, press releases fit the E-A-T principle used by search engines to rank content on SERPs. Secondly, media outlets and news websites pick up engaging press releases, which helps you gain high-quality backlinks to improve your organic rankings.

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